Change App Font

If you would like to edit the font, or style of any widget in the project, you can do the following:

  1. Navigate to "app_text_style.dart" in the constants folder.

  2. You will find all the text style used throughout the app design.

  3. You can just change any one's color, size or font weight to that of your choice and the whole app text theme color, size or font weight will change.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';

class AppTextStyle {
  //Text Sized
  static TextStyle h0TitleTextStyle({
    Color color =,
    FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w800,
  }) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 30, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h1TitleTextStyle({
    Color color =,
    FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w600,
  }) {
    // GoogleFonts.poppins()
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 24, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h2TitleTextStyle({
    Color color =,
    FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w600,
  }) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 22, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h3TitleTextStyle(
      {Color color =, FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w500}) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 18, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h4TitleTextStyle({
    Color color =,
    FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w500,
  }) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 15, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h5TitleTextStyle(
      {Color color =, FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w400}) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 13, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

  static TextStyle h6TitleTextStyle(
      {Color color =, FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeight.w300}) {
    return GoogleFonts.poppins(
        fontSize: 11, fontWeight: fontWeight, color: color);

Last updated