
Flutter Version 2.10.2

Glover 1.5.1 Customer, Driver and Vendor app now runs on flutter 2.10.2. You must upgrade if you a using an older flutter version.


Nothing too special in terms of configuration for the 1.5.1, all you have to do is use the upgrade menu in the backend to automatically configure your backend for the new features/changes.

Customer App

Perform your usually file update. Nothing special apart from new string are now added to the .json translation file, this is a phase of moving all translatable string from the usual .i18n file to the .json file. Note that this will be a gradual process untill all the string has been moved to the .json format. So every version will come with new movement of strings

Driver App

With 1.5.1, we have ensure that the location request dialog shows first before actually requesting the location permission for the app. In previous version, sometimes the app request permission before the dialog with info on why the permission is required, hence most driver app were rejected by google but this new version should resolve such issue

Vendor App

Perform your usually file update. Nothing special

Firebase cloud function

Changes were made to the firebase cloud function for taxi booking matching with driver. Please make sure you update your copy of the firebase cloud function and deploy to firebase cloud function server.

There is no Update owners, so setup the New owners and deploy again

Link to how to deploy a firebase cloud function: https://bakoambrose.gitbook.io/fuodz/taxi-feature-firebase-cloud-function/upload-firebase-cloud-functions

Last updated