to 1.3.4

Note: From v1.3.4 upwards, your server is required to have grpc extension.


You can now set terms and conditions from the backend, so your app/website can be GDPR Compliant


You can now use custom sms gateway for smooth OTP verifications. Currently only Twilio is supported. More will be added in coming updates


NOTE: you need to have GRPC extension enabled on your web server. Follow this link to see how to enable/install this extension:

NOTE: You must setup CRON Job for this to work

Please follow this link on how to setup Cron job:

We have worked on the auto-assignment process/system. New order alert, is now being sent to driver app via notification. So driver never miss or having issue with getting New order alert.

New Order Custom Notification Sound

There is a new custom notification sound for when driver app is in background or terminated. You can change the notification sound by setting a new media file in the android/raw folder for android and in the ios folder for ios app.

Android Notification Sound

  1. Navigate to the following folder: android > app > src > main > res > raw

  2. There is a neworderalert.mp3

  3. You can change the file to your own custom sound, but must be named neworderalert.mp3

iOS Notification Sound

  1. Navigate to the ios folder

  2. There is a neworderalert.aiff

  3. You can change the file to your own custom sound, but must be named neworderalert.aiff

Last updated