to 1.3.5

The major changes made in the new version is with the Backend Auto-assignment. To ensure your auto-assignment works, you need to setup CRON Job on your server or via external cron-jon servers.

Here is a link "How to setup CRON Job" -


NOTE: Due to company(EdenTech) restructure, there were changes made to the apps package id/name. So make sure you compare file before overidding them with files from the Update Owners.

Here are list of things we changed:

  1. Package Id and Name in AndroidManifest.xml

  2. Google service file. i.e Google-service.json & GoogleService-Info.plist

  3. Info.plist in iOS folder

  4. Also, we have move backend to a new url:

iOS Test Flight is also on the way(Should be ready in few days)

Last updated